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Swimming Abbreviations

WU = Warm-Up
DS = Drill Set
MS = Main Set
CD = Cool Down
EZ = Easy
RI = Rest Interval
FC = Frontcrawl
Fly = Fly
BR = Breastroke
BK = Backstroke
IM = Individual Medley
w/ = With
SA = Single Arm
DR = Drill


CH = Choice
P = Paddles
PB = Pullbuoy
S = Snorkel
F = Fins
B = Band
DPS = Distance Per Stroke
SPL = Strokes Per Length
(-) = Negative Split
Desc = Descending
Hyp = Hypoxic
CSS = Critical Swim Speed
HVO = High-Velocity Overload
SWOLF = Combination of Swim/Golf


How To Read A Swim Set

- 100/200/200/300/300 EZ Hyp w/ F (B3/5/3/7)

- Group 1: 100m, Group 2: 200m, Group 3: 200m, Group 4, 300m, Group 5: 300m Easy Hypoxic Frontcrawl with Fins (Breathing every 3rd, 5th, 3rd, 7th Stroke)

- 100 w/ F (↑ 25 L. Side Kicking, 25 FC, ↓ R. Side Kicking, 25 FC)
- 100 w/ F (↑ 25 616, 25 Catch-Up, ↓ 616, 25 Catch-Up)
- 100 w/ F (↑ 25 636, 25 Catch-Up, ↓ 636, 25 Catch-Up)
- 100 w/ F (↑ 25 656, 25 Catch-Up, ↓ 656, 25 Catch-Up)

Drill Set 1:
- 100m with Fiins (Done as : Up Lap 25m Left Side Kicking Drill, 25m Frontcrawl, Down Lap 25m Right Side Kicking, 25m Frontcrawl)
- 2/3/2/3/2 x 50 w/ F (25 Build, 25 EZ) / RI.10
- 2/3/2/3/2 x 50 w/ F (25 Hard, 25 EZ) / RI.15

Main Set 1:
- Group 1: 1x, Group 2: 3x, Group 3: 2x, Group 4: 3x, Group 5: 2x repeats of 50m with Fins (Done as : 25m Build, 25meters Easy) / Rest Interval of 10 Seconds.

DS2: Repeat DS1

Drill Set 2: Repeat Drill Set 1
- 1/1/2/2/3 x 300

(100 Hard) / RI.40
(75 Hard, 25 EZ) / RI.30
(50 Hard, 50 EZ) / RI.20

Main Set 2:
- Group 1: 1x, Group 2: 1x, Group 3: 2x, Group 4: 2x, Group 5: 3x repeats 300m Done as:
100m Hard / Rest Interval of 40 Seconds
75m Hard, 25m Easy / Rest Interval of 30 Seconds
50m Hard, 50m Easy / Rest Interval of 20 Seconds
- 100 EZ (optional/scale if necessary)
- 100m Easy (optional)


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