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Strength and Conditioning is more than just lifting weights – it encompasses the entire development of an athlete and what is needed to improve physical performance. This includes plyometrics, speed and agility, endurance and core stability with strength training being just one piece of the jigsaw.


At Elevate Performance Coaching, we use specific exercise prescription to improve performance in athletic competition. These exercises also help athletes with injury prevention and proper mechanics within their sports performances.



For most runners, triathletes, and endurance athletes, the benefits of strength training are outweighed by the fear of gaining too much bulk, loss of flexibility and diminished ‘feel’ of their sport. Unfortunately, this thinking keeps many endurance athletes from participating in a properly designed strength and conditioning programme.


Many athletes tend to have a traditional ‘endurance training’-based paradigm, centred on volume of training and time spent training for the actual event itself. It’s all about wearing a badge of honour for the number of hours spent running, cycling or swimming. Unfortunately, this is a pretty flawed approach, not least because there is a mass of research showing that volume of training is one of the main culprits of overtraining and injury incidence.


By and large the endurance racing community has overemphasised the benefits of endurance-based training and underestimated the benefits of strength training. Endurance athletes will spend hours completing endurance sessions in the hope that they can squeeze a little bit of extra performance from their cardiovascular system, but are reluctant to spend just a couple of hours a week lifting some weights.


Training the cardiovascular system alone and neglecting the musculoskeletal system and its contribution to performance is a big mistake that will inevitably lead to reduced performance. Come speak to us to have a better insight into how our strength and conditioning squad can help improve your overall performance by addressing not just the strength, but the flexibility and stability requirements too.


The details:


  • A fully mapped out strength and conditioning circuit

  • Different training phases throughout the year

  • Exercises scaled and designed to help athletes of all ability level

  • Training workout designed to challenge all intensity zones

  • Training equipment provided


What you will need for the session:


  • Workout attire

  • Proper footwear
  • Towel



  • $200SGD for 10x Sessions *valid for 12 weeks, shareable package

  • $125SGD for 5x Sessions *valid for 6 weeks, shareable package

  • $30SGD for 1x Drop-In




  • Monday (7PM)


  • Gate 3, 100Plus Promenade, Singapore Sports Hub



At Elevate Performance Coaching, we believe that our training platform should offer more than just exceptional coaching—it should come with fantastic perks! That’s why we’ve partnered with top brands to bring you exclusive discounts that will help you save money while you gear up in the latest performance kits and fuel your training with premium nutrition products.

Take advantage of these amazing deals from our Elevate Performance Coaching partners below and elevate your training experience!


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© 2019 by ELEVATE PERFORMANCE COACHING PTE. LIMITED. CRN: 201907719D. All rights reserved.

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